


AI Tools for Recruiters

You will learn how to use AI tools for different tasks that a recruiter usually performs. You will understand what kind of tools exist and you will analyze if they are important for your daily work, what is the potential of these tools but also their limits.

REQUIREMENTS: Basic knowledge of Recruiting, how a selection process is structured, stages, concepts.

(If you do not have this knowledge, we recommend our Generalist Recruitment course and our IT Recruitment course).

We provide:

  • Online Classroom
  • Certificate
  • Assessments to measure your learning


  • AI Basics concepts for Recruiters. What AI is and what it is not AI
  • AI for Candidate Presentation: CV rewriting tools, Hack PDF (CVs)
  • Prompts, ChatGPT for reports / emails, paraphrasing tool, assisted writing tool
  • Search tracking
  • AI for Job Screening: From JD (Job Description) to JP (Job Posting) with ChatGPT, Missing Information in Job Description, Content Enhancement and Automation Tool, Playing with Job Descriptions
  • AI Meeting Assistants, Job Matching Tools
  • ATS integrated with AI, Keywords research with ChatGPT
  • AI for Screening resumes: Tools. Proof of effectiveness
  • Introduction to GPT versus traditional AI. Parsing. AI platform for data mining automation
  • Chatbot Screener
  • AI for Interviews: Video interviews evaluated by AI: effectiveness test. Transcriptionists. One way interviews

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If you want to sign up or need more information, please contact us. We will get back to you ASAP.
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