

Program Course 3

IT Recruiting Training Course

In this third course you will deepen the knowledge about the different IT profiles that you acquired and practiced in courses 1 and 2. Always in a completely virtual way and through the same platform, you will be able to learn at the time and from the place you choose. This is an advanced level course, so you need to have completed the first two courses or to provide proof of at least six months of experience as an IT recruiter in order to enroll.

It lasts approximately 22 hours, and it includes supporting material in PDF format, as well as short assessments aimed at measuring your learning and progress. Once you have completed the course, in case you’ve ordered Bootcamp mode, you will have the opportunity to join our team of freelance recruiters, thus being able to apply all the knowledge acquired during the three courses to real openings.

What we offer

  • Virtual classroom
  • Certification
  • Tutoring via videoconference (only for Bootcamp)
  • Sample IT Recruiting interview audio
  • Tests to assess your learning
  • Practice with real openings (only for Bootcamp)


  • Project Manager (PM)
  • Business Analyst
  • Help Desk
  • Infrastructure
  • DBA
  • Security
  • Programming Basics for IT Recruiters
  • PHP
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Python
  • Java
  • .Net
  • Javascript
  • Node.js
  • Designer/UI
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Unity
  • QA
  • Devops
  • Blockchain
  • Technical writer
  • SAP
  • Machine Learning
  • UX
Supplementary videos

  • Difference between Product Owner and Product Manager
  • Difference between UX and UI
  • Difference between QA and QC
  • Difference between SysAdmin and DevOps
  • Difference between Java and Javascript

Topics on each profile

  • Tasks and responsibilities according to seniority
  • Working area within the company
  • Tools and technology used
  • Required studies

We are just an email away

If you want to sign up or need more information, please contact us. We will get back to you ASAP.
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